What Not to Put in Garbage Disposal

Posted October 16, 2017

While garbage disposals are an awesome little appliance that many of us rely on to save time and mess, they’re also one of the most often abused tools in your average home. And that goes double during the holiday season! Do you know what you can and cannot place in your disposal? If not, lend your ears (or eyes) to ABC while we discuss some important items that should never be placed in a disposal. Got a clogged or damaged garbage disposal in your home? Contact ABC of Illinois today to get swift and cost-efficient plumbing repair! 

Why Does It Matter?

Disposals are built to grind pretty much everything, right? Well, not actually. These appliances are particularly useful for saving on time while also helping out our environment. But, they’re not really capable of handling certain items on a regular basis. Many things homeowners routinely place in disposals can lead to serious damage, creating an unnecessary need for a plumbing repair call, or even premature disposal replacement.

What Can I Not Put in My Disposal This Holiday?

Most things are perfectly safe to dispose of using your favorite time-saver. However there are a few things that should never make their way into there—and some of them might surprise you!

  • Large amounts of grease or fat. While it makes sense that a fluid would be fine to put in your disposal, fat and grease should never actually go in your disposal (or drains, for that matter). The problem is that these leave behind a congealing residue that over time will develop into a considerable clog. Instead place grease in a coffee tin or tossable tupperware and take it out with the trash.
  • Fibrous vegetables and fruits. Celery and banana peels are the biggest offenders, but potato skins and corn are also problematic. These materials tend to wrap around the blades of the disposal, which can quickly lead to the blades locking up. This can result in the motor overheating, and can even cause the blades to break!
  • Grainy materials. Coffee grounds, starchy products like corn starch, and similar grainy materials don’t tend to drain away completely. This leads to growing piles of mess and sludge that will not only stink up your home and ruin your holiday, but will also lead to some trouble with clogging.
  • Animal skins. Skins are a no-go for pretty much the same reasons as celery. They don’t tend to break down well. You can sort of circumvent the problem by dicing up skins first if you must, but we would still recommend a different solution.
  • Bones. After all you’ve just read, bones probably seem pretty obvious by this point. But it bears mentioning; and it especially bears mentioning right before the holidays, since you’ll soon have 3-5 lbs of turkey bones to get rid of. Consider reserving them for a soup broth or stock instead, and then toss ‘em in the trash!

Holiday Garbage Disposal Repair in Chicago with ABC

Got a gummed up garbage disposal or dealing with another plumbing issue in your home this holiday? Don’t stress out! Our emergency plumbing repair experts can have things flowing like normal in no time, so give us a call at 888-868-6667 or contact us online!

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