Why Your Main Water Shut-Off Valve Is So Important

Posted November 15, 2016

Have you ever experienced a frozen pipe inside your home? If you haven't, consider yourself lucky. If you have, you understand how much of a headache it can be. From not receiving water to certain fixtures to pipe bursts and water damage - it's nothing but a mess. So, as temperatures start to drop in Chicago and the surrounding neighborhoods, take this time to locate your main water shutoff valve. It's going to come in handy should your pipes freeze up this winter.

What is a Main Water Shutoff?

This may be the most important plumbing feature in your entire house. Why? Well, it's the valve that supplies water to the whole house. This is where water enters and is then distributed to other pipes and fixtures. In case of a plumbing emergency, you'll want to know where it's located so you can turn off the water right away and avoid a big, expensive mess.

Where are they located?

The location of the main water shutoff valve can vary by house. Sometimes they're located in the basement, near the front wall of the house, but they can also be located in a closet near the front door, or even outside of the house itself. Take a quick walk through your home to find out where yours is located and if you can't find it, give us a call!

Why are they so important?

As temperatures begin to drop in the area, it leaves exposed pipes susceptible to freezing and cracking. And if a pipe bursts, you can be in for a giant mess if you don't turn the water off fast enough. So, if you notice that a pipe has frozen, or worse - cracked, head to the main shutoff and turn the water off immediately. Then call in the expert plumbers at ABC. When you need a plumber in Chicago or the surrounding areas, you need ABC Our expertly trained technicians can take care of any plumbing problem you might be facing, so give us a call today.

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